Prayer Ministries
Prayer Shawl Ministry
People involved in making prayer shawls meet once a month to create shawls and throws that will be blessed and hung on the rack in the Ministry and Outreach Center. Everyone is welcome to give these shawls to anyone who needs comfort, healing, encouragement, or for special events. Bring your project--or just your enthusiasm, and we'll help you start a project! Anyone interested in the prayer shawl ministry is welcome and invited to join us.
People involved in making prayer shawls meet once a month to create shawls and throws that will be blessed and hung on the rack in the Ministry and Outreach Center. Everyone is welcome to give these shawls to anyone who needs comfort, healing, encouragement, or for special events. Bring your project--or just your enthusiasm, and we'll help you start a project! Anyone interested in the prayer shawl ministry is welcome and invited to join us.
Contact: | Email: |
Linda Hillin | [email protected] |
Daughters of the King (DOK)
Contact: | Email: |
Dore Jackson | [email protected] |
The Acolyte ministry at St. Francis exists to serve God by assisting the priest during worship and to facilitate the flow of the service. This ministry is open to everyone age seven and up. If you feel called to share and serve in this ministry, please contact us.
The Acolyte ministry at St. Francis exists to serve God by assisting the priest during worship and to facilitate the flow of the service. This ministry is open to everyone age seven and up. If you feel called to share and serve in this ministry, please contact us.
Contact: | Email: |
Mtr. Nancy Springer | naspringer529> |
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a ministry of love that serves God by preparing and tending our place of worship and preparing the altar for Holy Eucharist. We welcome all who might be interested in serving in this very rewarding ministry.
The Altar Guild is a ministry of love that serves God by preparing and tending our place of worship and preparing the altar for Holy Eucharist. We welcome all who might be interested in serving in this very rewarding ministry.
Contact: | Email: |
Jeanne Slupik | [email protected] |
Musicians and Singers
The choir consists of adults who love to sing and are willing to assist in the leading of singing during our worship. Practices are held each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the parish hall music room.
The choir consists of adults who love to sing and are willing to assist in the leading of singing during our worship. Practices are held each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the parish hall music room.
Contact: | Email: |
Josh Duran | [email protected] |
Flower Guild
This group prepares the flower arrangements used at the altar for services. We welcome all who might be interested in joining our group.
This group prepares the flower arrangements used at the altar for services. We welcome all who might be interested in joining our group.
Contact: | Email: |
Winnie Benson | [email protected] |
Lay Ministers
Lay Ministers lead the Prayers of the People, serve at the altar in worship, and assist the priest by administering the Chalice during Holy Eucharist. Being bearers of the Blood of Christ, theirs is a servant ministry devoted to Christ Who is in our midst. This ministry is open to confirmed communicants in good standing. It also requires licensing through the Diocese of West Texas, and regular training by the priest in charge of the parish.
Lay Ministers lead the Prayers of the People, serve at the altar in worship, and assist the priest by administering the Chalice during Holy Eucharist. Being bearers of the Blood of Christ, theirs is a servant ministry devoted to Christ Who is in our midst. This ministry is open to confirmed communicants in good standing. It also requires licensing through the Diocese of West Texas, and regular training by the priest in charge of the parish.
Contact: | Email: |
Fr. David Chalk | [email protected] |
Eucharistic Visitors
Eucharistic Visitors minister to the sick and “shut-in” by bringing Holy Communion from the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration straight to them. This ministry is comprised of Lay Eucharistic Ministers who have received further training. and is open to confirmed communicants in good standing. It requires licensing through the Diocese of West Texas.
Eucharistic Visitors minister to the sick and “shut-in” by bringing Holy Communion from the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration straight to them. This ministry is comprised of Lay Eucharistic Ministers who have received further training. and is open to confirmed communicants in good standing. It requires licensing through the Diocese of West Texas.
Contact: | Email: |
Betty Morris | [email protected] |
Lectors are ministers of the Word of God written who proclaim the Scriptures from the Old Testament, Epistles, and Psalms in worship. This ministry is open to communicants in good standing who are regularly trained by the priest in charge of the parish.
Lectors are ministers of the Word of God written who proclaim the Scriptures from the Old Testament, Epistles, and Psalms in worship. This ministry is open to communicants in good standing who are regularly trained by the priest in charge of the parish.
Contact: | Email: |
Mtr. Nancy Springer | [email protected] |
Audio Visual
Contact: | Email: |
Mtr. Nancy Springer | [email protected] |
Centering Prayer
Join us in the church for Centering Prayer or quiet meditation; some even journal. However you prefer to sit, quietly, in the awareness of God's Presence.
Everyone is welcome.
Join us in the church for Centering Prayer or quiet meditation; some even journal. However you prefer to sit, quietly, in the awareness of God's Presence.
Everyone is welcome.
Contact: | Email: |
Mtr. Nancy Springer | [email protected] |
This vital and special ministry welcomes newcomers and greets our members. They hand out bulletins, gather offerings, bring the oblations (bread, wine) to the Altar, and provide an attendance head count. If you are interested in serving, please contact us.
This vital and special ministry welcomes newcomers and greets our members. They hand out bulletins, gather offerings, bring the oblations (bread, wine) to the Altar, and provide an attendance head count. If you are interested in serving, please contact us.
Contact: | Email: |
8:00 a.m. - Lynda Leadford 10:00 a.m. - Julie Thomas |
[email protected] [email protected] |
Volunteers maintain the memorial funds and record books. Additionally, they acknowledge memorials given to the parish.
Volunteers maintain the memorial funds and record books. Additionally, they acknowledge memorials given to the parish.
Contact: | Email: |
Betty Morris | [email protected] |
Child Care
St. Francis by the Lake would like very much to have a fully staffed nursery to care for the young children who come to visit us. Until the Lord leads someone to undertake this ministry, all children are most welcome to come to our worship. We have resources for young children in the narthex for your use.
St. Francis by the Lake would like very much to have a fully staffed nursery to care for the young children who come to visit us. Until the Lord leads someone to undertake this ministry, all children are most welcome to come to our worship. We have resources for young children in the narthex for your use.
Contact: | Email: |
Parish Office | [email protected] |