The Great Easter Vigil, 3/30/24
Palm Sunday, 3/24/24
DOK Quiet Day - Mtr. Nancy Springer , speaker, - 3/2/24
Taters & Treasures - ECW Fundraiser 2/18/24
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - Thanks Dan & Wes & all the men of St. Francis who provided a great Pancake Supper 2/13/2024
Lent Prep Day - 2/10/2024
Annual Parish Meeting and Potluck luncheon 1/28/24
F.E.A.S.T.S (Friends Eating And Sharing Together) are happening! This one at the Leadford's home. 1/20/24
ECW trip to Kerrville to visit The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden. 1/11/2024
Travelogue & Dialogue - New this year! Parishioners share pictures and stories of their amazing trips. Dana Williamson gave a wonderful presentation on her hike on the Appalachian Trail. 1/4/24
Christmas Eve worship Service 12/24/23
The Flower Guild, with a little help from our friends, decorate the church for Christmas 12/23/2023
Susan Kelch hosted the Daughters of the King Christmas luncheon at her home. 12/20/2023
Teresa St. John hosted a luncheon for the 10am hospitality team. Wonderful food and fun time decorating Christmas cookies! 12/14/23
Community of Hope - Lay Pastoral Caregivers were recommissioned and two new members were commissioned on 12/10/23
The ECW social team hosted the annual Christmas party on 12/9/23. Fellowship, food, music, caroling, gift exchange, ugliest sweater & tackiest costume contest, donations for local animal shelter. Great event! Thanks to all who planned, set up, provided, enjoyed, cleaned up, and donated!
Our steeple is cleaned and painted! Beautiful! 12/4/2023
FEAST group hosted by Freiberger's & Maria & Ray 12/2/2023
Mission trip to Uganda to the Anglican Diocese of Nebbi - Threads of Blessing 10/24/2023 (watch for more photos coming)
5th Sunday All Together Now service and Mediterranean themed potluck. 10/29/23 We do love gathering together for a meal!
FEAST hosted by Keren Necaise 10/30/2023
FEAST hosted by Kay & Dan Blanchard, 10/29/23
St. Francis Fall Festival and Pet Blessing 10/21/23
The Rt. Rev. Dena Harrison, Ret. visited St. Francis on Sunday 10/08/23
Travelers to the Holy Land - 9/22/23 (check back here for more photos to come)
Newcomer dinner held at the rectory. Thanks Julie & Fr. David for having us all! 9/16/23
ECW kickoff meeting and potluck luncheon 9/14/23
The Clean up crew picked up trash along FM 2673 on 9/16. Sure could use more volunteers for the next clean up!
ECW enjoyed lunch on the river 8/18/23
New walkway to church and improvements to our parking area 8/31/23 Thanks to Tom O'Bryant, Frank Smith & Mike Maciejewski for a job well done!
Migrant Food Ministry 6/28/23 Volunteers prepare food for migrants traveling through the San Antonio airport.
Highway Cleanup 6/24/23 Volunteers cleaned up the highway through Sattler
St. Francis Parish Pentecost Potluck Picnic, Sunday 5/28/23 - Great turnout!
The Rev. Dr. Duane Miller visited St. Francis and shared his experiences in missionary work in Spain where he lives with his family. 5/7/23
Newcomer dinner held on Saturday, 4/29 at the home of Fr. David & Julie