Taters and Treasures, ECW Fundraiser, - Feb. 2
F.E.A.S.T. Friends Eating And Sharing Together at the Hillin's home. - Jan. 25
Enneagram Workshop, Jan. 25
Annual Parish Meeting & Luncheon - Jan. 26
Ray Thompsett, 90th Birthday Celebration! - Jan. 22
Community of Hope Epiphany party, Jan. 5 - Hosted at the home of Brian & Ann Freiberger
Community of Hope members were recommissioned on Sunday, Jan. 5
Travelogue & Dialogue, Jan. 2 - Patricia Perea gave an enthusiastic and informative presentation on the Manos program and activities of the Manos teams while in Honduras
New Year's Eve Game Night, Dec. 31 - Fun games, great snacks and lots of laughs!
Thanks Julie, for all the blooming Christmas cacti & greenery in our MOC entry hall, Dec. 29
Christmas Eve Service, Dec. 24
The Flower Guild prepares for Christmas, Dec. 20
ECW hosted the annual Parish Christmas Party, Dec. 14 - So much food, fun, laughter,& fellowship,
Angel Tree Gifts, Dec. 8 - Teresa and Allison delivered two carloads plus more gifts for the Angel Tree project. Thanks to all who participated!
F.E.A.S.T., Dec. 8, Friends Eating And Sharing Together - Wonderful food and fellowship hosted by the Blanchard's
Crafternoon, Dec 6 - Great afternoon of crafts, needlework, hobbies
Hospitality Luncheon, Dec. 6 - Wonderful soup & salad luncheon hosted by Teresa St. John, and... Ugly Sweater cookie decorating....
Travelogue & Dialogue - Dec. 5, 2024, Brian Benham shared highlights of their trip to Normandy
DOK Christmas Party at Alison Cox's home - Dec. 4
Deck time... at the Kelch's - Dec. 4
Decorating the Advent tree-Nov. 29
Black Friday Alternative Crafternoon-Nov. 29 All day crafting with friends....
Thanksgiving Eve Potluck Supper - Nov. 27 Thanks to our chefs Chris Mitchell and Jim Braun for wonderful turkey and brisket!
4th Sunday Singles enjoy lunch after church at Muck & Fuss in New Braunfels. Nov. 24
Busy Sunday at St. Francis, Nov. 17 -CRRC Thanksgiving food bags for CRRC, UTO Ingathering, Vestry meeting
Pre-Advent Retreat, Nov. 16 led by Mtr. Nancy Springer
DOK Pack the Backpack, Nov.3 - The luncheon over, the room was immediately transformed into a food packing area! Thanks to all who stayed to help pack the bags.
In-Gathering Celebration Luncheon, Nov. 3 - Great luncheon catered by Genarro's
Service of Remembrance on All Saints Day, Nov. 1 - Candles were lit and carried to the altar by those remembering loved ones.
4th Sunday Singles enjoy lunch at Garcia's, Oct. 27
Manos de Dios Presentation - Oct. 27 Dani Jaime, Iveth Rodriguez and Patricia Perea gave a talk on the Manos de Dios Scholarship program in Danli, Honduras. Iveth shared the influence the program has had on her life.
St. Francis Fall Fair & Pet Blessing - Oct. 12, 2024
Travelogue & Dialogue - October 3, 2024 We're still enjoying our traveling parishioners photos and stories. Linda & Larry Bosenbark shared their amazing trip to Africa. Beautiful photos!
4th Sunday Singles Lunch Group 09/29/24 This group meets on the 4th Sunday each month to go out for lunch after church.
Highway Cleanup 9/21/24
ECW Kickoff Meeting and Potluck Lunch - 9/12
DOK Officers Installed - 9/8/24
20240519 Parish Pentecost Potluck Picnic - 5/14/24